Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Dear Psychosis, Things I'm Thankful for...

Dear Psychosis,

Things my psychosis makes me thankful for…

  • Good medicines 

  • Doctors/Nurse Practitioners that listen and help

  • An amazing group of people who love me 

  • Therapists

  • Selfcare

  • Prayer

  • Meditation

  • Coping skills

  • Spreading awareness 

  • Getting to know others with my same struggles

  • Blogging 

  • A wonderful job that works with me and my condition

I am abundantly blessed. I thank God for all of my blessings, especially throughout the past few years. Times have been hard, but things eventually always look up. I hope you hug your families a little tighter, enjoy your friends just a bit more, and always hold onto the hope that tomorrow will be a brighter day. This world needs us in it.

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